Friday, December 14, 2018

Puffer Fish Friday

Friday, December 14, 2018

Found this guy at one of the second hand stores I frequent. No, I did not buy him.

Another Pre Union Meeting Visit to Psycho Suzi's

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Joint was jumpin' and there was a high maintenance group at the bar.  Due to that service was a tad slow but the drinks were awesome.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Lucky Cricket

Minneapolis has a new restaurant and tiki bar! These are screen shots from their website before they opened. They're up and running now and I can't wait to go.

Abby's Tiki Bar Part 2

Abby designed a menu for her tiki bar which included drinks snacks and even pie!

I ordered both key lime and pumpkin!

Abby's Tiki Bar Part 1

While visiting my brother Pete in Washington DC over the week of Thanksgiving, we tried to get in to Archipelago on Wednesday. We drove in to the city and it turned out they were closed. My neice, Abby, felt so badly that we couldn't get in that she surprised me by creating a tiki bar just for me on Thanksgiving Day! Xander, Emma, and Abby's friend Kayliegh helped her set it up. She designed mostly non-alcoholic cocktails although Stephanie helped her concoct a signature tiki drink just for me that contained gold rum, light rum, lemon juice, lime juice, Horny Gator mix, and Sprite. She served it up in the shark tiki mug I bought her last year at Archipelago. I was so touched by the thoughtfulness of it all that I got a little teary. Thanks, Abby!