Tuesday, October 8, 2019

10th Psycho Suzi's Visit for 2019

Monday, October 7, 2019

Sara contacted me a few weeks ago to tell us that she and her husband Tim would be in town  this week due to Tim needing to be here for a business conference. We decided to meet up at Psycho Suzi's tonight.

We arrived at around 6:15 to grab a table and successfully did so. Sara arrived at 6:30 and told us Tim's company decided to surprise him and a group of managers with a riverboat cruise tonight. This prevented Tim from joining us for dinner. 

However, Sara's brother Carter lives in town and Sara invited him and his girlfriend  along. 

Drinks and dinner were great and it turns out Tim's event ended in time for him to join us at Suzi's for a drink afterward. 

It was great to see everyone and a good time was had by all!

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