Monday, September 13, 2021

Day for Reflection

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Three weeks back at work and I'm exhausted, but in a good way. I feel we got a lot accomplished. Great day to sit out back with a cigar.

Reflected for a bit on that horrible day which is now exactly 20 years behind us. I know it's a cliche but I'll say it anyway: Where does the time go? Dale and I stopped by Cindi and Maggie's earlier this afternoon for a small gathering and I had the chance to talk with Laura who is a high school music teacher. We chatted about our experiences as teachers in regard to the past 18 months of the pandemic. We discussed how over the summer we had a chance to start processing what it's been like dealing with the aftermath of doing distance learning for 1-plus school years. We've both become aware of some PTSD-like symptoms that have developed like surges of intense emotions coming from nowhere, general malaise, and episodes of brain fog. I realized, surprisingly, that I've haven't processed these after-effects with another teacher to the extent I was able today. Wow, the first 20 years of the 21st century have been bookended by a couple of seriously traumatic events.

Yet, obviously, life goes on. Having the chance to reflect on hard times and the ability to recognize our resilience and success in making it through them is a gift. Today was a beautiful day to do just that. 

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