Thursday, April 11, 2019

Spring Break 2019 Tiki Tour: Frankie's Tiki Room Part 2

Thursday, April 4, 2019

When we arrived the joint wasn't very busy. We found seats at a table and were approached by someone in an aloha shirt. He said something to us but it was hard to hear him over the din of the bar. I assumed he asked what we wanted. I told him I'd need a minute. He responded, "I've got a minute," and continued to stand by our table. After a few quiet moments Dale broke the awkward pause and said he'd have a beer and asked what they had. The guy told us we'd have to order at the bar but that he'd need an I.D. Both of us embarrassed, I realized that that's what he must've said in the first place and pulled out my I.D. I'm impressed with how patient he was with us when I realized how what I'd said actually sounded. Anyway, all was forgiven and he moved to a seat by the door. We figured he was the bouncer and must have briefly stepped away from his post when we walked in. 

Frankie's was the main reason I'd wanted to make the side trip to Vegas in the first place so it was good to finally make it. 

I started with the a Tangerine Speedo which the menu described thusly: "One of these zesty refreshers of rhum, juices, creme de cassis and Chambord will give you the courage to wear the Speedo. Drink two and you will want to go commando."

Tangerine Speedo

I loved it!

Next I went for the Nakalele Knockout because I wanted to buy the mug it came in. However, the bartender, Mike, told me he was out of that particular mug but that he'd make it and put it in another mug of my choice. I went with the mug meant for the Lava Letch cocktail (pictured above). The Nakalele Knockout  is described on the menu as such: "This tangy refresher of rums, hibiscus and lime pays tribute to the human sacrifices once offered to the namesake blowhole on Maui. Drink on and count your blessings. Drink two and watch your step." I loved it.

Drink number three was the Sea Hag which is the one shown above and not in the tiki mug. The drink menu says this of the Sea Hag: "This wicked wallop of gold rum, blackberry brandy, guava nectar and Cherry Heering will give you the magical power to make those around you disappear." It was well made but a little too bitter for my liking. 

Shown above is my faithful photographer who sometimes helps out in my quest to over-document my life. Thanks, Dale, for driving and visiting so many tiki bars with this tiki nut. 

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