Monday, April 8, 2019

Spring Break 2019 Tiki Tour: Hula's Modern Tiki - Good Food and Drink

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Dale and I are in Phoenix for spring break this year. We're staying with Dianne and John along with John's daughter Sarah and her husband Tim. We're also getting to spend lots of time with Brenda and Irv who are now fully settled nearby. 

I'm always up for visiting a tiki bar and Dianne recommended we try a place called Hula's Modern Tiki. Excellent choice. The food and drinks were fantastic. 

Sarah and Tim, Dale and I, neighbors Kirk and Theresa, all accompanied John and Dianne to Hula's Modern Tiki for dinner and drinks tonight. Sarah and Theresa were jazzed to try the Scorpion Bowl which is a shared drink and a tiki cocktail classic. 

I agreed to help out and Dale, not a mixed drink fan, was willing to give it a try.

John was eager to try it too but needed a little help as the straw wasn't quite long enough to reach him.

I think he liked it. 

I also tried out Hula's version of the Zombie. Quite good. 

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