Monday, April 13, 2020

Quarantiki - Out in the Yard In Search of Tiki Drinks

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Not quite as warm as this past Tuesday but still feeling pretty good with a jacket on and in direct sunlight. 

Checked out Sippin' Safari by Jeff Berry to scope out some new and simple tiki drink recipes to try. 

Dale and Athena enjoyed the nice weather too. 

For cocktail hour I made another Mai Tai. This one looks rather sad as I'd been nibbling on the mint garnish before thinking to take a picture. 

You really have to take advantage of these nice days. That's just part of living in Minnesota but it's also a part of the new normal that is shelter-in-place. There are only so many places to go since most places are closed. Any chance to be out of the house is welcome. By the way, it's supposed to snow tomorrow.

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