Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Lunchtime at Psycho Suzi's

On Friday, July 14, I had a meeting in Nordeast Minneapolis. We finished around 11:30 which was a bit earlier than expected. Since it was lunchtime I hightailed it over to my favorite tiki bar, Psycho Suzi's, to grab a little lunch. I started with a One-Eyed Willie tiki drink and ordered the 8-inch Hawaiian pizza (Canadian bacon and pineapple). 
I asked the bartender what was in it. He told me he  could not divulge that information as he was sworn to secrecy. The drink menu describes the One-Eyed Willie as follows:

"This salty dog is a dangerous and deadly potion. Dark Jamaican Rum, house made falernum, orange, pineapple, fresh lime, and 151 rum. Circa 1962."

I like it a lot. It had KICK!

Since I was dining alone, I sat at the bar and had a great view of Suzi's patio which overlooks the Mississippi River. It was a gorgeous day and it felt just like I was sitting outside as my bar stool was at the end of the bar closest to all the open doors to the patio. There was a large contingent of older folks on the deck who looked like they were all together. There must have been 20 of them and they took up two large tables.  My perch was also excellent as it was next to the station where all the servers picked up drinks from the bar so I had a chance to engage in light conversation with them. One server lamented to my bartender that one of the older ladies wanted someone to come out and trim the palm fronds of the thatched umbrella over the table as it was hanging in her hair. We all got a smile out of that (and no, no one went out to trim the fronds - I think the lady just scooted her chair in a bit more). No judgement, just amusement. I find the older I get the more I'm willing to make requests like that where I know the answer will most likely be no, 'cuz, hey, at the worst you'll be denied but maybe, just maybe, the answer will even be yes.

Anyway, my pizza arrived and it was scrumptious. First time I've ever been to Psycho Suzi's outside of the evening and I loved it. Less busy and it allowed me to engage in some casual chat with the servers and my friendly and highly attentive bartender. Sorry I didn't catch his name. Maybe next time...

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