Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Cigar Time

Sunday, October 22, 2017
The glorious weather of MEA weekend continues! Although a little cooler today, it was still pleasant enough to sit outside with a cigar in the backyard. The tiki pictured was a bargain I picked up at Bachman's yesterday.

Mermaid Lounge

Saturday October 21, 2017

Cocktail hour tonight on the porch in the Mermaid Lounge. More beautiful weather today on this MEA weekend.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Tilted Tiki - There's a New Bar in Town

Friday, October 20, 2017
Recently through Critic I discovered that Minnesota has a new tiki bar - The Tilted Tiki.  Although a slight jaunt from Minneapolis it's well worth the trip. On break for MEA weekend, Dale and I decided to make the trip to Stillwater to give it a go. The long weekend has been gorgeous so far with highs in the upper 70s. It was 77 degrees in Minneapolis when we left. The bar opened just under a year ago in November of 2016. 

We discovered a coconut carving of a monkey as part of the Tilted Tiki's decor. 
Our friend Julie bought one of these for us at a gas station in Florida more than 20 years ago on a trip  she took there. It was a gag so we named it Amy and regifted it to her slightly destroyed. The regifting went on for a couple of years with Amy in slightly worse shape each time.

Before making the trip I checked out the Tilted Tiki's drink menu online and decided I'd start with the Mai Tai. More to follow. It's fantastic by the way...

Monday, December 4, 2017

Tilted Tiki - Lay of the Land

Friday, October 20, 2017

The Tilted Tiki is located in an old building on Stillwater's Main Street. The architecture of the building doesn't really go with tiki but they do a great job of making it all work with the tiki-centric decor.

The bar has a fantastic patio. When Dale and I arrived at the restaurant there was no one sitting inside but the outside was packed. Temperatures in the upper 70s will do that I guess.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Tilted Tiki - Drink Menu

Friday, October 20, 2017

Tilted Tiki has a nice looking drink menu which highlights their beautiful drinks. Although they don't feature tiki mugs, the clear glasses the cocktails come in shows off their gorgeous colors.

Tilted Tiki - Ordering Drinks

Friday, October 20, 2017
For my first drink I ordered their Mai Tai which was insanely good. The drink menu blurb describes it as "Vic Bergeron's drink of legend - Mai Tai literally means 'The Best.' The finest most authentic Mai Tai in Minnesota." I'd say they're right.

Dale order a beer. A Fulton Lonely Blonde to be exact which is an American blonde ale.

I ordered the shrimp poor boy for lunch which was delicious by the way.

Tilted Tiki - Mai Tai

Friday, October 20, 2017

Dale asked for a sip of my Mai Tai. Judging from the pictures I'd say he enjoyed it.