Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Archipelago: Washington D.C. - November 24, 2017

Friday, November 24, 2017

Stephanie started out with the Puka Puka Punch which is a tiki drink that goes back to 1937. I went with the Joey's Banana Hammock. Why? Because my name in it and, well, just because. Both were incredibly tasty. Stephanie's second drink was called The Jungle Room Experience. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of that one. My second drink was the Jet Pilot.
Jet Pilot
The Jet Pilot was particularly intriguing to me because I didn't know this was a real cocktail.  Back in April when Dale and I visited John and Dianne in Denver we all headed to the city's tiki bar, Adrift. We met a colorful character at the bar who was 3 sheets to the wind and kept asking the bartenders to make a Jet Pilot. They wouldn't. I figured the reason was because it wasn't a real drink. I now think the real reason was because they may have cut him off as the drink is quite POTENT! The version at Archipelago  was even more awesome because it comes in a shark tiki mug. The kids all thought that was pretty cool. So did I.


Puka Puka Punch & Joey's Banana Hammock
Joey's Banana Hammock

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