Tuesday, August 20, 2019

9th Psycho Suzi's Visit for 2019

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Union meeting today so I stopped by Psycho Suzi's before hand.

Of course I started out with the Psychotic Suzi.

And had the Hawaiian Surf pizza for sustenance.

My second round was a Crummy Scoundrel but I thought it tasted a little over-sweet this time.

As I didn't get there until around three o'clock it was a bit on the quiet side.  The manager on duty came over and struck up a conversation with me which was very sweet. After I asked her about business lately she replied that it's been rather slow. I mentioned I had been in for lunch a couple weeks ago with Mom and that the patio was packed. She said it really goes in waves and that the last week has been more quiet than usual. We also had a nice talk about our dogs.

By the time I left I felt quite prepared for my union meeting. 

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