Sunday, March 22, 2020

Quarantiki - St. Patrick's Day 2020

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Wow. So much has changed in the U,S. since I last posted. Two days ago the governor of Minnesota ordered all schools closed starting tomorrow. My district, however, started their closure today. We had school yesterday but only 5 of my students showed up. 

Decided to have a cocktail today for St. Patrick's day. I only had rum and OJ on hand so I mixed that together. Not very Irish, but what the heck. Also, calling it tiki is a bit of a stretch but I guess we work with what we've got.

Spring break starts at the end of next week and Dale and I were supposed to leave for Arizona. We've decided to cancel due to the epidemic. It's a bummer as we were going to explore some tiki bars in Phoenix and also Palm Springs. Decided I'll mix up some tiki drinks here so I've been reading Tiki - Modern Tropical Cocktails by Shannon Mustipher to get some ideas. It's a great book and beautifully photographed.

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