Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Quarantiki - Cigar Time

Monday, March 31, 2020

It's spring break but today is the first day I've taken off in a couple weeks. Worked the past couple weekends  which I only do rarely.

Sunny 55 degree day which allowed me to sit in the yard. Smoked an Asylum 13 and drank some hula hula cocktails. 

The Hula Hula Cocktail

This in not social distancing. This is cigar distancing.
So great to take some time off of work and be outside in the yard. The last couple weeks of work have been laden with confusion and uncertainty. Some of it is related to navigating working remotely for the first time and a lot of it is just not having concrete guidelines for what the distance learning we're supposed to be setting up is supposed to look like. 

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