Saturday, July 31, 2021

The Big Kahuna Bash 2021 - Group Art Show

Saturday, July 31, 2021

This year's art show at the Big Kahuna Bash featured artists Coop, Big Toe, Tiki Bosko, Derek, and more. I was really interested in a piece by Big Toe (shown middle in the above photo) and would've bought it but the guy doing the sales was never in the room long enough for me to do so. I gave up. Oh well, maybe next year. By the way, Dale was really taken with the pieces by Derek. 

However I did pick up the official Grumpy's Big Kahuna Tiki Mug by Shag. There was the option of green or blue (I went with blue). The first two images in the above photo show the front and the back of the blue one. 

Above is a computer rendering of the mug showing multiple angles which was posted by Shag on his Instagram page. 

Here's are cartoon version of the mug by Shag.

And here is the one I bought. I believe only 100 of them were made. Supposedly there's one already on eBay going for $800.

While waiting to buy a Diet Coke at the bar a guy next to me saw me with my boxed mug and said, "Oh, good for you. You got one!" I told him I was jazzed about it. He said, "You know, Shag didn't make that. He just drew it. Someone else made the mug. I went to Shag and told him that and Shag told me that Frank Lloyd Wright just drew his buildings. He didn't make them." I said, "He's not wrong." He responded, "Yeah, I got owned." Sure enough. Don't mess with Shag. 

The Big Kahuna Bash 2021 - Drinks and Dinner

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Dale and I attended the 3rd annual Big Kahuna Bash at Grumpy's Bar & Grill in Roseville. 

We arrived around 5 p.m. and immediately sat down to get some drinks and dinner. Dale ordered beer while I got the Big Kahuna cocktail which is listed first on the above tiki drink menu. 

It was quite delicious. 

The Hawaiian influenced food menu items are shown above. 

For dinner Dale order a plant based hamburger and I got the Maui Dogs which were topped with cilantro lime aioli, mango salsa, avocado and chopped cilantro. They were delicious. I upgraded from chips to tater tots.

For our second round of cocktails Dale got another beer and I went with the Grumpy's Island Time cocktail. Another awesome drink!

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Easter Sunday - Sunset Park, Las Vegas

Sunday, April 4, 2021

After brunch at The Golden Tiki Dale and I stopped by Sunset Park to see the moai statue from the famous old Aku Aku polynesian restaurant and the famous old Stardust casino both of which were torn down and have been long gone. I believe the moai is one of the last relics of the Stardust and for some reason it was placed on this little island on a little pond in this beautiful public park. The park was full of many (mostly Hispanic) families gathered together to picnic and BBQ. It was quite moving especially since Las Vegas is feeling rather lonely today. Maybe it's because the city isn't operating at full capacity due to its beginning to open back up only recently. The consumption and excess of the city seemed particularly pronounced today probably because it's Easter Sunday and we're out of town and not attending a service. Whatever the reason, this walk in the park provided a lively festive atmosphere which really spoke to the theme of rebirth and renewal that is Easter.