Saturday, July 31, 2021

The Big Kahuna Bash 2021 - Drinks and Dinner

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Dale and I attended the 3rd annual Big Kahuna Bash at Grumpy's Bar & Grill in Roseville. 

We arrived around 5 p.m. and immediately sat down to get some drinks and dinner. Dale ordered beer while I got the Big Kahuna cocktail which is listed first on the above tiki drink menu. 

It was quite delicious. 

The Hawaiian influenced food menu items are shown above. 

For dinner Dale order a plant based hamburger and I got the Maui Dogs which were topped with cilantro lime aioli, mango salsa, avocado and chopped cilantro. They were delicious. I upgraded from chips to tater tots.

For our second round of cocktails Dale got another beer and I went with the Grumpy's Island Time cocktail. Another awesome drink!

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