Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Spring Break 2022 - The Bikini Lounge

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Dale and I hit the Bikini Lounge today. It opens at 3 pm and we arrived not long after that. The front door was propped open which was nice because it made it a lot easier to see. I know tiki bars are supposed to be dark but it was nice to have the decor more visible. 

The back door to the patio was open as well and there was a glorious breeze running through the place.

Dale ordered beer. I asked for the tiki drink menu. 

I started with the Painkiller which consists of dark rum, pineapple juice, orange juice, and cream of coconut. I loved it. 

I put some Orville Peck on the jukebox. Dale told me to quite down because he thought I was singing along too loudly (I didn't think so but I decreased my volume anyway). 

For my second drink I went with the Freaky Tiki which the bartender said was his favorite and that it's basically a variation of Sex on the Beach. It was made up of coconut rum, peach Schnapps, cranberry juice, pineapple juice, and lemon lime soda. Although it was very well made it wasn't my favorite. It was a  bit over sweet for my taste and the cranberry juice made it taste like a punch which isn't to my liking. 

The place was much busier than when we were here a few years ago. There were about nine of us in the bar as compared to only three people back in October of 2019. Because of the busy-ness we didn't get as much attention from the bartender compared to last time. This fellow was a great guy and a great barkeep but I was hoping to catch his name and have more time to chat like last time and get some stories out of him but, alas, it wasn't meant to be. 

Dale really loves this place so I'm glad we checked it out a few years back. We would have returned sooner but Covid got in the way of that. When we left our bartender thanked us for stopping in. We told him we'd be back. 

Spring Break 2022 - Trader John's Mai Tai

Monday, April 4, 2022

Spring Break 2022! Made it to Phoenix and were picked up at PHX by Dianne and Brenda. It's great to be here and great to see some sunshine. 

It looked like what you see above just before we left for the airport this morning. 

Shortly after getting to John and Dianne's we headed over to Brenda and Irv's new place to help them move their TV.

They've got a corner unit which is nice because they get two patios.

Irv had this bottle of Bombay Sapphire on the counter. Sweet how he labeled it. I made a gin and tonic when we got back to John and Dianne's. 

The gin and tonic along with the warm weather all felt very summery.

Felt so nice to be outside in shorts and short sleeves.

John offered to make me a Trader Vic's Mai Tai. Of course I accepted. 

John grilled salmon and romaine lettuce for dinner. It was all very divine. He's a master of the grill. 

Here's the recipe John used for the Mai Tai with a few modifications he made. We'll call his version Trader John's Mai Tai.

Rum, Straight

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Cigar this afternoon.

And some straight rum for happy hour. This is Plantation. 

Sunday, April 3, 2022

It's Been Awhile

Saturday, April 2, 2022

The last couple years have been challenging to say the least and the last month has been a whirlwind. Three weeks of being on strike followed by one week back in school has been rewarding but exhausting. Finally on spring break and celebrated with a mini Macanudo this afternoon. 

We had Warren over for dinner tonight. He brought tacos and we watched Who Slew Auntie Roo with Shelley Winters which was a TRIP.

Made some Joey's Orange Speedos for Warren and myself. It's been ages and they turned out quite well. Warren really loves 'em. 

Today was the first day of Spring Break 2022 and I'm so looking forward to resting. 

We'll be headed to Arizona soon to visit Brenda, Irv, Dianne, and John. Looking forward to some tropical cocktails.