Saturday, August 18, 2018

Birthday Week - Exotik-A-GoGo

Friday, August 17, 2018

Can't believe I started my birthday week celebration a week ago. When Dale got home from work today I asked him if he was interested in going to Psycho Suzi's to hear Exotik-A-GoGo play. He was into it! So, after getting Athena fed and walked we headed Nordeast and got a table with a window onto the patio. Our server told us the band would be playing on the patio rather than upstairs. Shortly thereafter I  saw the band setting up outside. The began playing promptly at 6:30 and you could hear the music inside as the doors were open to the outdoor area. They played most of the songs from their new album Vibralicous! 

I drank Crummy Scoundrels and Dale had beer. 

We shared the poutine tots to start and then we each had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. All quite delicious.

After dinner we headed out to the patio and sat down to listen to the band for awhile. They were great. 

After a bit, the band went on break so Dale and I headed down to the Psycho Suzi's dock. You wouldn't know it from the pictures below but the skies are actually cloud-free. The whiteness is the haze of the wildfires out in California. They are particularly bad this year. 

We headed back to the restaurant to check out the gift shop. I wasn't planning on it but I ended up going home with one big ol' tiki mug. The fellow in the gift shop pointed out that the one I got was one made especially for Psycho Suzi's. I photographed it upon our arrival back home.

As we headed back to the car I noticed someone had set up a little tiki house on one of the retainers for the gardens in the parking lot. Cute.

Awesome evening, Dale. Thanks for indulging me!

A few more photos from the evening:

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