Saturday, February 16, 2019

Third Psycho Suzi's Visit for 2019

Friday, February 15, 2019

Day off today and a cold yet gorgeously sunny one at that. After heading to the gym, the chiropractor, and the glasses shop to pick up my contacts, I headed to Suzi's for lunch. My favorite bartender was there and she was training someone in. I ordered a Psychotic Suzi and she talked the new gal through the making of it. It turned out to be fantastic and I told her so. She seemed tickled to hear it. 

Decided to try a pizza I hadn't had before and went with the sausage and mushroom. It was delicious. 

Bartender asked what my favorite Suzi's cocktails are. I told her that number one is the Psychotic Suzi, number two is the Crummy Scoundrel, and number three is the Coconaught. She told me her's is the Crummy Scoundrel so I went with that for my second one. When asked why I like it I told her because it has some carbonation in it and that it's like a punch. She said that's a good way to describe it. 

I also Shazamed a  song and then added it to my Psycho Suzi's Mix Vol. 1 playlist.

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