Thursday, August 19, 2021

The Mermaid Lounge

Wednesday, August 19, 2021

Dale and I really haven't spent much time on the porch this year. In fact, today is the first I've set more than just a few things out in the Mermaid Lounge this season. 

We sat on the porch all the time last summer so I'm not sure why it took until the middle of August this year. Whatever the reason it was just good to be back out there. 

I mixed up a Joey's Orange Speedo and put it in my favorite tiki mug which I dug out of the basement today. It's not my favorite tiki mug to look at but it's my favorite tiki mug to hold. It fits just perfectly in my hand. I got the mug for free a year or so ago with the purchase of a bottle of Plantation rum. 

We listened to my summer tiki playlist I made last year.

Which contains one of Dale's favorite Polynesian pop songs.  

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