Sunday, August 20, 2023

Psycho Suzi's: The Last Visit

Recently Dale took me to Psycho Suzi's for my birthday. It was a bittersweet visit as they are closing at the end of next week. 

Huge rainstorm before we made the trip to Nordeast but the sun was out by the time they got there. 

Truth be told I haven't been a fan of the direction Suzi's taken since the pandemic. You can make a reservation for a table but you have to wait in line to order drinks and food and then they bring it out to you. The drink and food menu are more limited than they used to be and they serve the drinks in plastic cups rather than glassware. We didn't get a table and order food tonight but the last time we did so it was served on disposable plates. 

I ordered a Psychotic Suzi and Dale got a glass of red wine. 

We only stayed around for one round and then grabbed dinner at Jax. We had a great time but it was a little melancholy. Lots of memories. 

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