Saturday, April 29, 2017

Ray Conniff's Hawaiian Album

I've been listening to this album by Ray Conniff for the past couple nights. It dates to 1967.

Word is that Mr. Conniff wrote all the arrangements for the album during a two-week stay at the Kauai Surf Hotel. He was shown by Hawaiians how to strum the uke and also how to sing the songs in their own way.  Ray said, "It was the most enjoyable two weeks work I've ever done in my career."  (Source:

Track Listings:

  1.  The Hukilau Song
  2.  Blue Hawaii
  3.  Pearly Shells
  4.  To You Sweetheart, Aloha
  5.  One Paddle Two Paddle
  6.  Beyond the Reef
  7.  The Hawaiian Wedding Song
  8.  My Little Grass Shack In Kealakekua, Hawaii
  9.  Sweet Leilani
10.  Tiny Bubbles
11.  I Wish They Didn't Mean Goodbye

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Adrift - A Denver Tiki Bar, And a Most Awesome One at That

Saturday, April 1, 2017

During a recent trip to visit family in Denver, I had the opportunity to drop by a tiki bar called Adrift. After reading a pretty even mix of positive and negative reviews online, I wan't quite sure what to expect.

I'm happy to say my personal experience was overwhelmingly positive. We were greeted warmly at the door and informed that there was about a 40 minute wait for a table. Although we weren't looking to eat I felt badly for folks waiting to eat. However, I was happy to see the place so busy. We were fortunate to find some space at the bar. 

Adrift, Denver - Jet Pilot?

Saturday, April 1, 2017

The overall experience at Adrift was incredibly positive. An interesting patron, who identified himself as a regular and was sitting next to us at the bar, kept trying to get us to ask the bartender to get us a drink called a Jet Pilot. I don't think they really even had a drink called that. It wasn't even on the menu and at one point he almost admitted as such. Rascally yet friendly character was he indeed. You could tell he really enjoyed the place and was on a first name basis with the staff. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Adrift, Denver - Zombies

Saturday, April 1, 2017

John and I ordered a couple of Zombies which were very nicely made. I had a martini for cocktail hour earlier in the evening and then a glass of wine at dinner. As a visitor to Denver from Minneapolis, I wasn't taking in to account what the altitude change would do to me in regard to my alcohol consumption. I was really feelin' it by the time we got to Adrift and by the end of the evening there I was wishing I had showed up with nothing to drink under my belt so I could have had another tiki drink. 

Adrift, Denver - Overall

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Overall, Adrift was a very enjoyable experience. The atmosphere was fantastic, the staff and patrons were friendly, and my drink was on point. The decor was very polynesian pop but not over the top kitschy.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Adrift, Denver - Video Screen

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Adrift has a video screen mounted on the wall showing clips of surfing and beach life. At one point they showed what looked like one of those Coronet educational films we'd watch in school back in the 70s and 80s. This one looked like a social studies film about Oceana. 

I have family in Denver so I plan to make a point of visiting Adrift again.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Shag: The Collected Works

Friday, March 31, 2017

Shag knows a thing or two about tiki. Enjoying his recent book Shag: The collected works