Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day 2018 - Barbados Rum Punch

Sunday, May 28, 2018

I did it! Today I made my first cocktail from Martin and Rebecca Cate's Smuggler's Cove book. I chose the Barbados Rum Punch as it's actually one of the easier drinks to make from the book. 
First step was the make the Demerara syrup which called for two cups water, one cup Demerara sugar, and 3 cups granulated sugar. First you boil the water and then add the Demerara and continue to boil after the sugar dissolves (about a minute) and you can see the bottom of the pan.
Then you add the granulated sugar and boil that down until the water is clear. Let it cool.
After cooling the syrup, I bottled it. It's supposed to keep in the fridge for a few weeks. 
The recipe calls for and ounce of fresh squeezed lime juice, and ounce of the Demerara syrup, and two ounces of blended aged rum. According to the Cates, aged rum is 5 to 14 years old. One of their suggestions was El Dorado which was a five year aged. Shake the ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice and then strain into a glass filled with ice.

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