Sunday, May 20, 2018

Psycho Suzi's - Art-Thou-Luau

Saturday, May 19, 2018

It had been on the books for a while that Dale and I would join Maggie and Cindi tonight at Psycho Suzi's for drinks and dinner. When we made the plans we had no idea that Art-A-Whirl would be going on which made for more challenging parking and a more crowded restaurant than usual for an early 5:00 start time. 

Suzi's parallel event for Art-A-Whirl was called Art-Thou-Luau and featured dinner and drink specials and an outside tent with bands and a dog contest.  Dale and I arrived a little before Cindi and Maggie and we scored a primo table. 

I started with a Psychotic Suzi which is one of my favorites. I convinced Cindi to try a Crummy Scoundrel, one she hadn't tried before, which she rather liked. One of the specials for dinner was mac and cheese which we all, except Maggie, went for. It was divine. 

During dinner we noticed many people with straw hats which reminded me of the one the Hawaiian Punch mascot wears. I decided I need one. Cindi wanted one too. We figured we'd be able to buy them in the parking lot tent. 

After dinner we decided to check out the band outside. I found the straw hats at a concession stand and when I asked the gal how much they were, she told me they were FREE. We each got red ones which worked out well since tomorrow is Pentecost Sunday at church and it's traditional to wear red. Cindi said she would preach with hers on. 

The band play when we made it outside was called the Blinds and they were a bunch of rockin' fun. 

A good time was had by all (and yes, I bought the tiki mug my drink came in).

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