Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Cigar & Tiki Cocktail Time

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The weather's been gloomy and cool since our return from the Desert Southwest. Once in a while we get a nice day like today and I feel I need to take advantage of it even if it's a weekday. 

Great afternoon for a cigar in the yard and a variation of the Hula Hula Cocktail. 

This one is made with rum rather than gin. 

I also had a chance to look through the book _____ which I picked up at Frankie's Tiki Lounge in Las Vegas. The book is by ______ and has the recipes for all of the drinks at Frankie's.


My cigar this afternoon is an Asylum 13. It was nice to see some sun for a change and sit in it. 

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