Sunday, May 10, 2020

Quarantiki - Grog

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

For cocktail hour tonight I made grog. It's a traditional tiki drink which I've heard gets its name from Admiral Edward "Old Grogram" Vernon of the British Royal Navy in the 1700s. It's basically just line, juice, sugar syrup (I used Demerara sugar), and rum. Simple and delicious.

I've wanted to make this drink for a long time.

I looked over three different recipes, came up with something of an amalgamation, and ended up with the following:

3/4 oz. lime juice
3/4 oz. Demerara sugar syrup*
3 oz. rum**
lime wedge as a garnish

Shake in cocktail shaker and then strain into a lowball with ice cubes.

*I used Beachbum Barry's way of making sugar syrup. One cup sugar (I used Demerara) and one park water shaken until the sugar dissolves in the water. I like it because it's a tad easier and faster than the boiling method.
** I used Hamilton 86 Demerara Rum

I had a sense of deja vu while drinking the grog. I was similar to something I'd had before. On a hunch I looked up the Barbados Rum Punch recipe in Martin and Rebecca Cate's Smugglers Cove book from 2016. Yep, I'd hit the nail on the head. The only difference between the Barbados Rum Punch and the Grog was a dash of Angosture bitters. I added that to my third grog of the evening and, voila, I revisited the first (and so far only) drink I'd made from the Smuggler's cove book. 

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