Sunday, July 19, 2020

Quarantiki - Psycho Suzi's

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Yummy but salty appetizers. We ordered a Hawaiian and a pepperoni pizza - also yummy. I went with tropical cocktails but Dale and Mom stuck with beer. The Mississippi looked beautiful from the patio. Mom really appreciated that. 

As on our last visit my first drink was the Psychotic Suzi.

As like our last visit my second tiki drink was the Native's Curse.

Unlike our last visit my third and final drink was the Fu Manchu. I couldn't decide between that one and the Beachcomber so I asked the bartender to pick for me. She told me that I for sure wanted the Fu Manchu. I thanked her for doing my thinking for me. In its description the menu says, "Only one foo will do, in this not so foo-foo fighting beverage. Special Kung Fu blend of Jamaican rums, coconut, and Hawaiian island flavor." The coconut really spoke to me. It was delicious. 

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