Monday, July 6, 2020

Quarantiki - Psycho Suzi's Waterfront Lounge Part 1

Friday, June 19, 2020

Dale and I made reservations for an event at Psycho Suzi’s which, as you can see on the above sign, they’re billing as an “All-Inclusive Tropical Vacation Starting at $29.” This is the first time since shortly before March 16 we’ve been out to eat at a restaurant. We’ve been very excited not only to eat out but to eat out on Suzi’s huge expansive patio overlooking the Mississippi River.

They had the logistics for the event well planned out. Once you were let in for your 1.5 hour time slot (we started at 5:30) you were to do things in the following order:

1. Order Your First Beverage a) Order at the bar b) Make wristband always visible c) Have ID ready for alcohol

2.Choose the Right Table a) Match the table number color card to the color of your wristband b) Choose a table appropriate to the size of your party

3. Order a) Food and additional drinks ordered at the bar b) Check brochure for menu options c) remember table number for ordering d) Food delivered to your table

There were 4 different colored table number cards. At any given time each the tables that matched a given color were being cleared and sanitized for the next shift. 

All you can drink and eat!

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