Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day 2018 - Barbados Rum Punch

Sunday, May 28, 2018

Posted the above picture on Instagram with the following caption:

"Barbados Rum Punch is the first cocktail I've made from Martin and Rebecca Cate's Smuggler's Cove book. I used El Dorado rum and, yes, I made my own Demerara syrup and squeezed my own lime juice!!"

Memorial Day 2018 - Barbados Rum Punch

Sunday, May 28, 2018

Dale and I had Julie and Regina over for brats at lunch today. No one else was interested in drinking so I saved my Barbados Rum Punch for later afternoon. It turned out great. It made a difference using fresh lime juice and homemade Demerara syrup. Using El Dorado, an aged 5 year rum, probably made a difference too. It was a Martin Cate suggestion and he's the expert, right? I thought it was fantastic. Goal achieved - making my first cocktail from the Smuggler's Cove book by the end of Memorial Day Weekend 2018.

P.S. It got up to 100 degrees today. Earliest 100 degree day in Minneapolis EVER. 

Memorial Day 2018 - Barbados Rum Punch

Sunday, May 28, 2018

I did it! Today I made my first cocktail from Martin and Rebecca Cate's Smuggler's Cove book. I chose the Barbados Rum Punch as it's actually one of the easier drinks to make from the book. 
First step was the make the Demerara syrup which called for two cups water, one cup Demerara sugar, and 3 cups granulated sugar. First you boil the water and then add the Demerara and continue to boil after the sugar dissolves (about a minute) and you can see the bottom of the pan.
Then you add the granulated sugar and boil that down until the water is clear. Let it cool.
After cooling the syrup, I bottled it. It's supposed to keep in the fridge for a few weeks. 
The recipe calls for and ounce of fresh squeezed lime juice, and ounce of the Demerara syrup, and two ounces of blended aged rum. According to the Cates, aged rum is 5 to 14 years old. One of their suggestions was El Dorado which was a five year aged. Shake the ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice and then strain into a glass filled with ice.

Memorial Day Weekend 2018 - Hula Hula Time

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Made another Hula Hula Cocktail tonight. As pictured, I hadn't even taken a sip yet. Made it with the same amount and proportions I always use. Just goes to show how big the Tiki Diablo tiki glasses I got at UnderTow in Phoenix really are. Picked up the Demerara and granulated sugar today I'm going to need to make the Barbabos Rum Punch tomorrow.

Memorial Day Weekend 2018 - Tiki Cocktail Contemplation

Saturday, May 26, 2018

I know I look like I'm asleep in this photo but I'm not. I'm checking out the drink recipe from the Smuggler's Cove book that I'm planning to make this weekend. I love this book! Not only is it an extensive drink recipe book it's also an incredibly complete comprehensive overview of tiki culture in the United States. To me, the making of tiki cocktails seems to be a pretty fussy affair what with having to squeeze three different types of fruit juices, making your own syrup or two, and having to blend three different kinds of rum for a typical tiki cocktail. I'm just not that patient. However, someone I follow on Instagram has inspired me to try the Barbados Rum Punch. It's fairly simple compared to many of the recipes so my goal is to make it before Memorial Day weekend is over!

Dale posted the above picture on Instagram with the following caption:

"It's at least 90 degrees but sitting in the shade having cocktails is not a bad way to deal with it. Joe is reading up on tiki drink recipes. He really should stop teaching and open a tiki bar."

Memorial Day Weekend 2018 - Hula Hula Time

Saturday, May 28, 2018
Dale and I spent a good chunk of time today removing leaves and weeding gardens, pruning, mowing the lawn, etc. today. And boy was it hot!! Dale's beer and my Hula Hula cocktail were well earned.

Athena did pretty well with the heat. I can't believe we got her 6 years ago THIS weekend.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Cigar Time

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Lovely May afternoon today. Perfect for sitting outside with a cigar and diving into Trader Brandon's The Field Guide to Tiki Decorating which arrived in the mail recently.

The Field Guide to Tiki Decorating

Saturday, May 19, 2018
Trader Brandon's The Field Guide to Tiki Decorating arrived in the mail today. The book was written along with Tiki Tony and Typhoon Tommy.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Psycho Suzi's - Art-Thou-Luau

Saturday, May 19, 2018

It had been on the books for a while that Dale and I would join Maggie and Cindi tonight at Psycho Suzi's for drinks and dinner. When we made the plans we had no idea that Art-A-Whirl would be going on which made for more challenging parking and a more crowded restaurant than usual for an early 5:00 start time. 

Suzi's parallel event for Art-A-Whirl was called Art-Thou-Luau and featured dinner and drink specials and an outside tent with bands and a dog contest.  Dale and I arrived a little before Cindi and Maggie and we scored a primo table. 

I started with a Psychotic Suzi which is one of my favorites. I convinced Cindi to try a Crummy Scoundrel, one she hadn't tried before, which she rather liked. One of the specials for dinner was mac and cheese which we all, except Maggie, went for. It was divine. 

During dinner we noticed many people with straw hats which reminded me of the one the Hawaiian Punch mascot wears. I decided I need one. Cindi wanted one too. We figured we'd be able to buy them in the parking lot tent. 

After dinner we decided to check out the band outside. I found the straw hats at a concession stand and when I asked the gal how much they were, she told me they were FREE. We each got red ones which worked out well since tomorrow is Pentecost Sunday at church and it's traditional to wear red. Cindi said she would preach with hers on. 

The band play when we made it outside was called the Blinds and they were a bunch of rockin' fun. 

A good time was had by all (and yes, I bought the tiki mug my drink came in).

Monday, May 14, 2018

Merman Monday

Monday, May 14, 2018

Jake Nodar on Instagram

Gill Man Geeki Tiki for Tiki Mug Monday

Monday, May 14, 2018

Recently the Gill Man (from Creature from the Black Lagoon) Geeki Tiki that I ordered came in the mail. I love it. I just love it.


Monday, May 14, 2018
Recently updated my Bitmoji avatar with an aloha shirt. Great for summer.

Aloha Shirt Stickers

Sunday, May 13, 2018
These drink markers are removable stickers meant to stick on your cocktail glass. They didn't work well. They wouldn't stick and they kept peeling off. Cool idea though. I thought they'd work well for my Hula Hula Cocktail.

Here's the rest of the whole bunch:

Monday, May 7, 2018

Merman Monday

hausofsommer (Bryan Sommer) on Instagram

Hula Hula

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Ran out of orange Curacao a few weeks back and finally picked some up today. Couldn't wait to make a Hula Hula Cocktail.